Posts tagged youtube videos
Funny Fizzy Fears!

Hi everyone! Do you remember the Hot Tub High Dive video, one of many cool games we’ve invented and shown in our YouTube videos? If so, you remember how Fizzy doesn’t like to get soaked with water.

I interviewed Fizzy to get to the scoop for her Funny Fears:

BUZZ: So do you bathe or take a shower? Ever?

FIZZY: Nope. That water stuff is scary!  (I do like to play with bubbles) 

BUZZ: Oh boy. What else do your fear, Fizzy?

FIZZY: Toys that sing show tunes. They’re like little song people. It’s kinda creepy!

BUZZ: You also have anemophobia. What the heck is that?

FIZZY: It’s the fear of wind.

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BUZZ: Umm, okay. Why the wind?

FIZZY: I feel it. I hear it. But I can’t see it. That’s just weird.

BUZZ: What is your worst fear of all?

FIZZY: I would have to say cows.

BUZZ: Do I want to know?

FIZZY: It’s actually the fear that a cow is always watching me from anywhere.

BUZZ: Moo.

FIZZY: Not cool, Buzz.

Do you have any Funny Fears? If so, comment on this video:

A Fizzy out of Water!

Fizzy has problems with Earthling sayings.

Once she said, during a Youtube video, “An apple a day keeps the DOLPHIN away!”

Umm, yikes! But we all know that apples keep the DOCTOR away. Here are some more Fizzy Fails I’ve found on video:

COMBING at the mouth

HONEY doesn’t grow on trees

Don’t rain on my BRAID

Barking up the wrong KNEE

Birds of a FIN flock together

TOYS will be boys

Don’t count your chickens before they SCRATCH

Let’s play a fun game! Can you find the right words to help Fizzy with her sayings? If so, comment on this video:

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Buzz Learns a New Instrument!

You may know that, on our home planet, Buzz was a famous musician!

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People flocked to his concerts to hear his musical armpits. On our home planet he was known as the Armpit Fart Maestro!

But when he arrived on Earth, people weren’t so fond of his musical talents. So now he’s taken up a new musical instrument: Knee Farting!! I’m sure Earthlings will love it once he perfects his new instrument!

So be sure to look for Buzz’s upcoming Knee Farting Youtube videos on AlienBuzz TV. His best songs include Pop Goes the Weasel, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Chop Sticks, America the Beautiful, and Buzz’s all-time favorite: Toyland!!

And maybe me, Fizzy, will dance to Buzz’s musical masterpieces!! I think Buzz will be so happy!

Note from Buzz: Not so much!

Fizzy's Shrunken Head!


Today I was playing with my Shrinkomatic machine that I made and things did not go as planned.  We were pulling pranks such as making the neighbors’ cars and swimming pools shrink. But when I went to put the Shrinkomatic away, I accidentally ZAPPED Fizzy’s head.

I don’t think she knows her head has shrunk to the size of an orange, but she’ll probably notice this when she goes wear a hat. Her voice is even squeakier than before!

Here are a few of my ideas to keep her from realizing she has a shrunken head:

Remove all mirrors in our house;

Add funhouse mirrors in the house that make her body look teeny;

Shrink the rest of Fizzy’s body while she’s sleeping;

Make her head look really big when we make our Youtube videos;

Shrink our house;

Make all our toys and cool games really tiny;

Or put her on the next spaceship to our home planet!

Wish me luck, and have a super-great day!

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Buzz's FIRST plane ride experience!!!

Hey everyone! I recently had my first airplane ride, and I have to say it’s A LOT different than a spaceship ride!

Before we even left the ground the flight attendants played videos about seat cushions and oxygen masks, which seemed very entertaining.

During the flight, I wanted some privacy and found a small sitting closet that had running water and an uncomfortable chair with a hole. I found it to be a bit cramped and smelly! But since so many passengers kept playing fun games such as “Scream at the Alien” and “Knock Knock on the Bathroom Door,” I guessed it must be the best seat in the airplane.

Once I was kicked out of the sitting closet, the airplane experienced something called “turbulence.” It seemed like a turbulence monster was shaking the plane and people kept making noises in the lunch bags from the seat compartment! 

I also learned that if you give flying tips to the pilot (a guy named “Captain”) they get really annoyed.

But the best part of the airplane ride was that I was able to watch AlienBuzz TV Youtube videos on the tiny screen! I watched the Shark Bite video and the Zoops video!   Talk to you soon, with more adventures to share!!!

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