Posts tagged alien buzz tv
Funny Fizzy Fears!

Hi everyone! Do you remember the Hot Tub High Dive video, one of many cool games we’ve invented and shown in our YouTube videos? If so, you remember how Fizzy doesn’t like to get soaked with water.

I interviewed Fizzy to get to the scoop for her Funny Fears:

BUZZ: So do you bathe or take a shower? Ever?

FIZZY: Nope. That water stuff is scary!  (I do like to play with bubbles) 

BUZZ: Oh boy. What else do your fear, Fizzy?

FIZZY: Toys that sing show tunes. They’re like little song people. It’s kinda creepy!

BUZZ: You also have anemophobia. What the heck is that?

FIZZY: It’s the fear of wind.

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BUZZ: Umm, okay. Why the wind?

FIZZY: I feel it. I hear it. But I can’t see it. That’s just weird.

BUZZ: What is your worst fear of all?

FIZZY: I would have to say cows.

BUZZ: Do I want to know?

FIZZY: It’s actually the fear that a cow is always watching me from anywhere.

BUZZ: Moo.

FIZZY: Not cool, Buzz.

Do you have any Funny Fears? If so, comment on this video: