Posts tagged fun games
Fizzy Gets a Pet!!!

I’m so happy!

After searching for cute animals at the pet store, I just got my first pet since I landed on Earth!!!

She’s so adorable and fuzzy, and I named her Cutie Pie! I bought her a little bed, treats, a hair brush, an exercise wheel, a leash, and I may even get her a little sweater for the winter!!! And I love playing fun games with her, such as fetch!

She has the cutest legs, and she has eight of them! She also has the prettiest fangs I’ve ever seen!!! So sweet! I can’t wait to post on Youtube to show her off!!

Can you guess what type of critter she is? If not, here’s a pic!!!

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Fizzy's New Year's Resolution

It’s that time to start thinking about my New Year’s resolution! My resolution from last year was to bring more happiness to the life of our good friend Buzz. I’m sure he’ll agree that I was successful in making that happen!

But for 2019, I have something else in mind. I’d like to let Buzz take more time off from inventing toys.  While he is relaxing I will do the invention work! This will also allow Buzz to focus on making more Youtube videos.

I’ve made a list of the toys and cool games that I will invent for him. What do you think?

First up are toys for girls! How about a baby doll that cries ALL DAY and can’t be turned off? Or a DIY crafts kit using spaghetti to weave food blankets?

Next are fun games! What if a game challenges players to collect the most toenails clippings? Or a game where players travel to different countries to collect passport stamps? Just think of the game night families could have with everyone in different nations?

Boys, I’m not forgetting you! We could shrink real people and monsters to make them become action figures. Just think how fun it would be to have that kind of collection in your home!

Those are just some of my invention ideas. I’m pretty sure Buzz will love ‘em!!!

I’m really looking forward to 2019!

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Buzz's FIRST plane ride experience!!!

Hey everyone! I recently had my first airplane ride, and I have to say it’s A LOT different than a spaceship ride!

Before we even left the ground the flight attendants played videos about seat cushions and oxygen masks, which seemed very entertaining.

During the flight, I wanted some privacy and found a small sitting closet that had running water and an uncomfortable chair with a hole. I found it to be a bit cramped and smelly! But since so many passengers kept playing fun games such as “Scream at the Alien” and “Knock Knock on the Bathroom Door,” I guessed it must be the best seat in the airplane.

Once I was kicked out of the sitting closet, the airplane experienced something called “turbulence.” It seemed like a turbulence monster was shaking the plane and people kept making noises in the lunch bags from the seat compartment! 

I also learned that if you give flying tips to the pilot (a guy named “Captain”) they get really annoyed.

But the best part of the airplane ride was that I was able to watch AlienBuzz TV Youtube videos on the tiny screen! I watched the Shark Bite video and the Zoops video!   Talk to you soon, with more adventures to share!!!

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