Buzz Learns a New Instrument!


You may know that, on our home planet, Buzz was a famous musician!

Alien Buzz_Alienbuzz_Alienbuzztv_Armpit fart2.jpg

People flocked to his concerts to hear his musical armpits. On our home planet he was known as the Armpit Fart Maestro!

But when he arrived on Earth, people weren’t so fond of his musical talents. So now he’s taken up a new musical instrument: Knee Farting!! I’m sure Earthlings will love it once he perfects his new instrument!

So be sure to look for Buzz’s upcoming Knee Farting Youtube videos on AlienBuzz TV. His best songs include Pop Goes the Weasel, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Chop Sticks, America the Beautiful, and Buzz’s all-time favorite: Toyland!!

And maybe me, Fizzy, will dance to Buzz’s musical masterpieces!! I think Buzz will be so happy!

Note from Buzz: Not so much!