Posts tagged games
Buzz LOVES Him Some Orbeez!

Hey people! Today is National Orbeez Day. Not really! But every day should be Orbeez Day!!

What’s not to love? They start out as adorable little seeds just looking for adventure. And when water is added, the magic happens: perfectly round and colorful balls of joy!

By watching our Youtube videos, you probably know how much I love pouring tubs of Orbeez on Fizzy. I have taken the opportunity to pour Orbeez on Fizzy at least three times a day (especially when she’s sleeping). She’s always surprised and so appreciative!!

I also love Orbeez for many other reasons:

I crush ‘em and make compound to get my DIY on!

I invent all kinds of fun games and toys with Orbeez!

I put them in my giant hamster ball and run around in it!

I hide things in Orbeez tubs and find ‘em later!

I put ‘em in my boots for squishy walks!

I even make science projects with Orbeez!

Oh, wait! I think Fizzy is napping. Gotta go and surprise her with a big Orbeez drop and capture it on video! She’ll be so happy!!!

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Fizzy Drops Some Truth About Buzz!

Some professional basketball players have claimed that American astronauts DID NOT walk on the moon in 1969. Instead, they believe a movie studio faked the Lunar Landing!

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But this picture proves it! And there were TWO BUZZES on the moon. Buzz was hanging out, and so was Alien Buzz!!!

Our friend Alien Buzz won’t admit it, but he wasn’t trying to get to the moon. He got lost!!!

He was trying to land on Earth during his travels and wanted to make Youtube videos for earthlings. The first problem was that Youtube didn’t start until 2005. The second problem was that Buzz was wrapped up in singing songs during his space voyage. He made a few wrongs turns, and THOUGHT HE WAS ON EARTH!!

The astronauts didn’t have time to play games and share toys with Buzz. I guess they were kinda busy. So Buzz didn’t think much of Earth (which was really the moon) and went home.

So how did Buzz finally make his way to Earth a few years ago? He owes it all to Siri!!!

Funny Fizzy Fears!

Hi everyone! Do you remember the Hot Tub High Dive video, one of many cool games we’ve invented and shown in our YouTube videos? If so, you remember how Fizzy doesn’t like to get soaked with water.

I interviewed Fizzy to get to the scoop for her Funny Fears:

BUZZ: So do you bathe or take a shower? Ever?

FIZZY: Nope. That water stuff is scary!  (I do like to play with bubbles) 

BUZZ: Oh boy. What else do your fear, Fizzy?

FIZZY: Toys that sing show tunes. They’re like little song people. It’s kinda creepy!

BUZZ: You also have anemophobia. What the heck is that?

FIZZY: It’s the fear of wind.

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BUZZ: Umm, okay. Why the wind?

FIZZY: I feel it. I hear it. But I can’t see it. That’s just weird.

BUZZ: What is your worst fear of all?

FIZZY: I would have to say cows.

BUZZ: Do I want to know?

FIZZY: It’s actually the fear that a cow is always watching me from anywhere.

BUZZ: Moo.

FIZZY: Not cool, Buzz.

Do you have any Funny Fears? If so, comment on this video:

Buzz Explains the Art of Fart!

We all know how much Buzz loves to fart. So I interviewed him to “get to the bottom” of his favorite hobby:

FIZZY: What are your favorite foods to gas it up.

BUZZ: That’s easy. Bok choy and kale!

FIZZY: Any reason why?

BUZZ: I’d say it’s for the firepower.


BUZZ: Right?

FIZZY: You’ve invented fun games about snot and poop. Why not farts?

BUZZ: Interesting you should ask. I’m currently working on some fart-related games and toys!

FIZZY: What will you call these games and toys?

BUZZ: I’m thinking about a game called “Stinky or Stanky” . Or a farting boat called "Toots Ahoy”  ….Hmmmm…...Another concept I am exploring is a musical toy that teaches "Bum Yodeling!"

FIZZY: Do you think you’re the gassiest being in the universe?

BUZZ: Not to toot my own horn, but I’m pretty sure I’m the Master of the Blaster!


BUZZ: Don’t mind if I do.

FIZZY: Not what I meant, Buzz.

Thankfully this interview is over! If you have any thoughts about Buzz and his bottom blasts, comment on this video: Ben Franklin’s Fart proudly book, Fart Jokes!

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Our Family Holiday Traditions!!

Happy holidays from Buzz and Fizzy!! Today we’re sharing with you our Alien holiday DIY traditions, which are probably a lot like your family traditions!

First we search neighbors’ yards to find the perfect Holiday Boulder. Once Buzz has recovered from carrying the six-foot-tall Holiday Boulder into our home, we chew bubblegum of all colors and decoratethe boulder by sticking wads of gum all over it. Once these decorationsare in place, it’s such a beautiful sight to behold!

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Once the Holiday Boulder is decorated, we place Festive Underwear on the mantle. The heat from the fireplace makes the underwear nice and crispy so that we can place our gifts in them. There’s nothing like finding a surprise gift in the Festive Underwear.

Next we prepare the Candy Cones! These are hard candy shells that we fill with goodies such as fish eggs, macaroni, asparagus smoothies, squid ink, refried kitty food and more. So yummy!

At the end of the day, we like to play fun games. Our favorite gamesare Pin the Tail on the chair, Bobbing for Broccoli, and Toe Wrestling! I’m sure you can find similar holiday games by searching Youtube videos. Happy Holidays!!!

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