Posts tagged aliens


Hi everyone! It’s Buzz! Fizzy and I made another Youtube video with our animal-loving friend, Mickey!!

He brought the cutest animals in the world, and he shared lots of fun animal facts!! We got to see a hedgehog and a chinchilla. Chinchilla is so fun to say! Chinchilla. Chinchilla. Chinchilla. I just can’t stop!!

We met Bart, the African Pygmy Hedgehog. He’s so spiky and cute. The coolest part, he rolled up into a ball! I tried rolling myself up, but it didn’t work so well. Bart was so funny. He snorts just like Fizzy when she gets hungry.

Next, we were introduced to Inca, the Chinchilla. She had a long fuzzy tail, lots of soft fur, and the cutest ears ever!! Did you know chinchillas can’t get wet since they have so much hair? That’s kind of like Fizz since she doesn’t like to bathe either. Pew!!!

If you’d like to see these cuties, here’s the video link:

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Sad Buzz Needs a New Bike!

Poor Buzz!

Months later, he’s still not over the loss of his precious Toilet Trike. You may remember that he and his trike were the best of friends, and they rode together for miles and miles! But one day they crashed, and the Toilet Trike was toast!!

Now and then I see Buzz sitting in a corner, pulling his knees to his chest, and wiping little blue tears from his eyes.  I know he misses his custom bike.

I would like to give Buzz something to cheer him up.  Does anyone have some ideas?

After watching the Toilet Tricycle video on Youtube, be sure to let us know in the comments section what you think Buzz’s next custom bike should be built from?

Toilet Trike ——————->

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Buzz Learns a New Instrument!

You may know that, on our home planet, Buzz was a famous musician!

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People flocked to his concerts to hear his musical armpits. On our home planet he was known as the Armpit Fart Maestro!

But when he arrived on Earth, people weren’t so fond of his musical talents. So now he’s taken up a new musical instrument: Knee Farting!! I’m sure Earthlings will love it once he perfects his new instrument!

So be sure to look for Buzz’s upcoming Knee Farting Youtube videos on AlienBuzz TV. His best songs include Pop Goes the Weasel, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Chop Sticks, America the Beautiful, and Buzz’s all-time favorite: Toyland!!

And maybe me, Fizzy, will dance to Buzz’s musical masterpieces!! I think Buzz will be so happy!

Note from Buzz: Not so much!

Fizzy's New Year's Resolution

It’s that time to start thinking about my New Year’s resolution! My resolution from last year was to bring more happiness to the life of our good friend Buzz. I’m sure he’ll agree that I was successful in making that happen!

But for 2019, I have something else in mind. I’d like to let Buzz take more time off from inventing toys.  While he is relaxing I will do the invention work! This will also allow Buzz to focus on making more Youtube videos.

I’ve made a list of the toys and cool games that I will invent for him. What do you think?

First up are toys for girls! How about a baby doll that cries ALL DAY and can’t be turned off? Or a DIY crafts kit using spaghetti to weave food blankets?

Next are fun games! What if a game challenges players to collect the most toenails clippings? Or a game where players travel to different countries to collect passport stamps? Just think of the game night families could have with everyone in different nations?

Boys, I’m not forgetting you! We could shrink real people and monsters to make them become action figures. Just think how fun it would be to have that kind of collection in your home!

Those are just some of my invention ideas. I’m pretty sure Buzz will love ‘em!!!

I’m really looking forward to 2019!

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