Posts tagged fun
Light Painting is so much fun!

Buzz and I had so much fun doing the Light Painting Challenge for our Youtube video!!! I’d love to do it again.

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I don’t know if Buzz is ready to do another Light Painting Challenge, so I came up with some ideas to make him excited to decorate with light again!

What if we painted a wild bear chasing Buzz? Or what if we give Buzz really big ears? It would be so pretty to make a princess tiara for me to wear, with lots of accessories? Or we can create light drawings of different toys and fun games? Maybe we great big gassy green light cloud around Buzz (he really loves a good fart joke)? Do you think I would look good with pink and red glowing hair?  Would my light up hairstyle have big and curly locks, or should it be super long?

Oh, I have another great one! What if we made Buzz into a space alien? That would be so funny!! Oh, wait. I guess Buzz is already a space alien. My bad!

If you have any great ideas, be sure to comment on this video:

Our Family Holiday Traditions!!

Happy holidays from Buzz and Fizzy!! Today we’re sharing with you our Alien holiday DIY traditions, which are probably a lot like your family traditions!

First we search neighbors’ yards to find the perfect Holiday Boulder. Once Buzz has recovered from carrying the six-foot-tall Holiday Boulder into our home, we chew bubblegum of all colors and decoratethe boulder by sticking wads of gum all over it. Once these decorationsare in place, it’s such a beautiful sight to behold!

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Once the Holiday Boulder is decorated, we place Festive Underwear on the mantle. The heat from the fireplace makes the underwear nice and crispy so that we can place our gifts in them. There’s nothing like finding a surprise gift in the Festive Underwear.

Next we prepare the Candy Cones! These are hard candy shells that we fill with goodies such as fish eggs, macaroni, asparagus smoothies, squid ink, refried kitty food and more. So yummy!

At the end of the day, we like to play fun games. Our favorite gamesare Pin the Tail on the chair, Bobbing for Broccoli, and Toe Wrestling! I’m sure you can find similar holiday games by searching Youtube videos. Happy Holidays!!!

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