Buzz LOVES Him Some Orbeez!


Hey people! Today is National Orbeez Day. Not really! But every day should be Orbeez Day!!

What’s not to love? They start out as adorable little seeds just looking for adventure. And when water is added, the magic happens: perfectly round and colorful balls of joy!

By watching our Youtube videos, you probably know how much I love pouring tubs of Orbeez on Fizzy. I have taken the opportunity to pour Orbeez on Fizzy at least three times a day (especially when she’s sleeping). She’s always surprised and so appreciative!!

I also love Orbeez for many other reasons:

I crush ‘em and make compound to get my DIY on!

I invent all kinds of fun games and toys with Orbeez!

I put them in my giant hamster ball and run around in it!

I hide things in Orbeez tubs and find ‘em later!

I put ‘em in my boots for squishy walks!

I even make science projects with Orbeez!

Oh, wait! I think Fizzy is napping. Gotta go and surprise her with a big Orbeez drop and capture it on video! She’ll be so happy!!!

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