Posts tagged moon landing
Fizzy Drops Some Truth About Buzz!

Some professional basketball players have claimed that American astronauts DID NOT walk on the moon in 1969. Instead, they believe a movie studio faked the Lunar Landing!

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But this picture proves it! And there were TWO BUZZES on the moon. Buzz was hanging out, and so was Alien Buzz!!!

Our friend Alien Buzz won’t admit it, but he wasn’t trying to get to the moon. He got lost!!!

He was trying to land on Earth during his travels and wanted to make Youtube videos for earthlings. The first problem was that Youtube didn’t start until 2005. The second problem was that Buzz was wrapped up in singing songs during his space voyage. He made a few wrongs turns, and THOUGHT HE WAS ON EARTH!!

The astronauts didn’t have time to play games and share toys with Buzz. I guess they were kinda busy. So Buzz didn’t think much of Earth (which was really the moon) and went home.

So how did Buzz finally make his way to Earth a few years ago? He owes it all to Siri!!!