Posts tagged video
Light Painting is so much fun!

Buzz and I had so much fun doing the Light Painting Challenge for our Youtube video!!! I’d love to do it again.

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I don’t know if Buzz is ready to do another Light Painting Challenge, so I came up with some ideas to make him excited to decorate with light again!

What if we painted a wild bear chasing Buzz? Or what if we give Buzz really big ears? It would be so pretty to make a princess tiara for me to wear, with lots of accessories? Or we can create light drawings of different toys and fun games? Maybe we great big gassy green light cloud around Buzz (he really loves a good fart joke)? Do you think I would look good with pink and red glowing hair?  Would my light up hairstyle have big and curly locks, or should it be super long?

Oh, I have another great one! What if we made Buzz into a space alien? That would be so funny!! Oh, wait. I guess Buzz is already a space alien. My bad!

If you have any great ideas, be sure to comment on this video:

Fizzy Goes Skydiving!

Hey everyone! I wanted to treat Fizzy to a fun day to thank her for her hard work in the AlienBuzz TV studio. So I got her a skydiving adventure as a gift!!!

To share the fun with our audience, I did a phone interview while she was skydiving!!

BUZZ: Where are you now?

FIZZY: I’m just about to jump out of the plane.

BUZZ: Are you excited? Maybe this could be a good YouTube video next time you try this.

FIZZY: Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! This is the worst thing ever!!!

BUZZ: You must be out of the plane!  Is it peaceful up there?

FIZZY: Get meeeeeeee out of heeeeeere!!!!!

BUZZ: Sounds like fun!

FIZZY: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

BUZZ: Are you on the ground yet?

FIZZY: Ahhhhh!  When I am, we need to talk about your “Thank You Gift” Ahhhhhhh!

BUZZ: So glad you’re having a great time! I’ll add this to our memory scrapbook.

FIZZY: Ahhhhhhhh!  Don’t ever give me a gift again, Buzz!!! Ahhhhhhhh!  

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Buzz Has a Conspiracy Theory!

It’s Buzz, and I just came up with my first ever conspiracy theory!

Do you remember Lola the Sloth from this video on our Youtube channel?

In the video, we learned that sloths move super sloooooooowly. They sleep 15 to 20 hours a day. They hang from branches, and they crawl instead of walk. And they’re anti-social. But, best of all, they take up to 10 hours to poop!!

So what’s the conspiracy theory? I THINK MY NEIGHBOR IS A SLOTH!

My neighbor’s name is Lloyd (kind of sounds like Lola). Lloyd sleeps a lot on a hammock in his backyard, like a sloth. He never says hello to me or Fizzy, which is anti-social (but that could be since he’s caught Fizzy and me using his swimming pool). I’ve seen him eat salads, which are leaves. And when he’s out of the hammock, he just rolls into the pool (no walking).

I don’t know if Lloyd takes 10 hours to poop but he is in is house for many hours. I hope you’ll join in on my conspiracy theory, that my neighbor is really a sloth!!!

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Hi humans! It’s me Fizzy again!

As you all know Buzz has a Youtube channel. And sometimes, I come over to play and make some hand videos!

And today I need your help.

I was watching youtubers for inspiration for my next AlienBuzz TV takeover and I saw a lot of UN-BOX-ING videos? Can someone explain what those are?

I do have a couple guesses:

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Do you jump in a box and close it up and jump out when someone is trying to open it? Like a prank...

Or maybe you have a boxing match in reverse?

What if unboxing is when you box your favorite things and then give it to someone else to unbox and keep?

Can someone help me figure this one out because I want to make an unboxing video myself, soon!

Talk to you soon and don’t forget to subscribe to Buzz’s Youtube channel to watch my videos!