International Talk Like A Pirate Day!


Ahoy maties! It’s me Alien Buzz!

I greet you like a pirate because I learned that last week was International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Isn’t that the most awesome thing you’ve ever heard?!

I don’t know about you but I think pirates are so cool! They have huge pirate ships and fight for gold like in the Pirates of the Caribbean or a Disney fairy tail!

AlienbuzzTV AlienBuzz TV_Pirate.jpg

Talk Like A Pirate Day is September 19th and you can say all things pirate. In pirate-eese, a pirates can also be called buccaneers or freebooters and if you’re not a real life pirate you may not know what that is so let me help you with the vocabulary. You can say:

  • Avast ye! which means pay attention (I tell that to Fizzy every day before she leaves to kindergarten)

  • Shiver me timbers! which signifies how shocked you are

  • Blimey! Means you’re surprised

This fun bank holiday was created by John Baur and Mark Summers in 1995 in Albany, Oregon. Funny story is that ITLAPD was created from a racquetball injury when one of them reacted to the pain by yelling “Arrrrr!” - I bet you didn’t know that!

So hang your Jolly Roger (a pirate flag) proud and Yo Ho Ho me hearties!!

Nadia Schnack